
Write Academic Paper in Markdown Using Pandoc

I wrote my paper in markdown - and you can do it, too!

Markdown is one of the most common markup languages to write rich text in a fast and convenient way and is especially popular by being used for writing on GitHub. It simply converts to HTML and renders your text nicely.

Pandoc is the swiss knife of document conversion. It allows us to create PDF files from given markdown files, but furthermore, you can create DOCX files, PPTX or reveal.js presentations and more. You can also mix markdown and LaTeX easily into a single document to speed up your writing while also obtaining the high-class writing features of LaTeX, especially when writing in an academic context!


If you want to see how it works, check out my repository here: markdown-latex-paper-boilerplate

Written by
Christian Konrad
Product Manager, UI/UX Designer and Web Developer in Frankfurt a. Main, Germany. T-shaped, focused on building experiences by forming habits.